Saturday, August 31, 2019

Areas of learning and development Essay

1.1 Explain each of the areas of learning and development and how these are interdependent There are seven areas of learning and development set out by the EYFS, each are important and interconnects there are three prime and four specific areas. The prime are the main area of development from birth to 2 years and important for firing children’s curiosity and enthusiasm and helping them to form relationships. The prime areas are: Personal, Social and emotional development Physical development Communication and language The four specific areas compliments and supports the prime areas from 2-5 years, but the prime are the foundation for successful learning. The specific areas are: Literacy Mathematics Understanding the world Expressive arts and design The EYFS learning and development (Page226 in children and young people is workforce). Educational programme must involve activities and experiences for children in the following aspects: Aspects of personal, social and emotional development involves helping children to develop a positive sense of themselves and others; forming positive relationship and develop respect for others; to develop social skills and learn to manage their feelings; to understand appropriate behaviours in groups; and to have confidence in their abilities. Aspects of physical development involves providing opportunities for young children to be active and interactive; and to develop their co-ordination control, and movement. Children must also be help to understand the importance of physical activity and to make healthy choices in relation to food. Aspects of communication and language development involves giving children Opportunities to experience a rich language environment, to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves and to speak and listen in a range of situations. Aspects of literacy development involves encouraging children to link sounds and letters and to begin to read and write. Children must be given access to a wide range of reading materials. Aspects of mathematics development involves helping children to solve problems and to thinking logically, use everyday language  to talk about size weight; recognise create and describe patterns; explore characteristics of objects and shapes and measures. Understanding the world development involves helping children to gain an understanding of the world around them ; knowing about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among facilities communities and tradition, recognise that a range of technology is used in places such as homes and schools. Expressive arts and design development involves increasing their interest in creativity, representing their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role play and stories. The EYFS describes the seven areas of learning separately but it is important to recognise their interdependence. This means that good quality activities will cover more than one area of development and neglecting one area of development is likely to create difficulties later.(e.g) Personal, social and emotional development is like a treat throughout all area if this area is not well supported, children will find it hard to concentrate, play alongside others or make progress in other areas. 1.2 Describe the documented outcomes for children that form part of the relevant early years framework. To be able to measure that each child has the access to a quality early years education regardless of where they live, circumstances or family background the EYFS designed a series of outcomes to document each area of learning. These are called the Early Learning Goals, this is targets for children to meet throughout their early years and at the end of the reception year. These goals are important as they form the building blocks for children’s later education. It is important that practitioners recognise that may of the Early Learning Goals are also associated with children’s development and so while it is reasonable to expect children to meet them at the end of the reception year, they are not meant to be used as outcomes in nurseries or pre-school. It is also worth nothing that some children will for a variety of reasons not meet all of the Early Learning Goals as they may have specific health or learning difficulties or because they are simply young than their peers. 1.3 Explain how the documented outcomes are assessed and recorded The purpose and aim of the EYFS is to help young children achieve the five every child matters outcomes. There are four themes that underpin all the guidance A unique child Positive relationship Enabling environments Learning and development This guidance support each child’s learning and development and help practitioners to support children’s learning development, by closely matching what they provide to child’s current needs. An on-going formative assessment is at the heart of effective early years practice. In my setting we constantly observe our key children as they act and interact in their play. We then plan activities through these observations and things learnt from parents about what the chid do at home. Using examples of the development columns â€Å"unique child† the observation is assess to see what the child can do and what the next step is to help their development pathway. This recorded through observation sheets (long-incident and planned) also weekly planning, summative assessment and monthly learning journal sheet given to parents to see what the child does at home. This cycle is continually throughout the child’s time in the nursery and makes up their learning journal that goes with them to reception. 2.1 Use different sources to plan work for an individual child or group While playing outside I notice that one of my key children had an interest in collecting cocus and putting them in the back of his car. 2.2 Engage effectively with children to encourage the child’s participation and involvement in planning their own learning and development activities. The ways in which ‘a child engage with other, people and their environment – playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically –underpin learning and development across all areas and support the child to remain an effective and motivated learner. From observation 2.1 I planned an activity to help child A to learn how to count by doing a nature walle around the nursery to collect cocus. Counting them at the end to see how many each child collected. 2.3 Support the planning cycle for children learning and development. The EYFS is very clear, that observation must form the basis of planning for individual children there are two specific legal requirements in this respect which are found in welfare requirement relating to the organisation of the setting. Providers must carry out sensitive observational assessments in order to plan to meet the children’s individual needs. Providers must plan and provide experierices which are appropriate to each child’s stage of development as they progress towards the early learning goals. It is important that plans reflects children’s interests and needs. Observe and collect information. Record what you know and see about children’s strengths, interest, capabilities and cultures. Question Analyse- Interpret and make meaning of information collected and evidence documented. link evidence to learning development. Outcomes Plan, Act and Do Design learning experiences and learning environments. Discuss learning and next steps with children’s families and other professionals. The planning cycle is used to support assessments for learning which is designed to discover what children know and understood, based on what they make, write draw, say and do. 3.1 Explain how practitioners promote children’s learning within the relevant early years framework. The EYFS emphasise a personal approach to learning, this is because all children develop at their own rate and in different ways. In my setting we observe each child and make observations so that we can see patterns of the child’s interests as well as to see how they are developing. This allows us to analyse whether the child is within their age and stage of development. As such this enables us to plan appropriately for the child, seeing whether they are within the developmental pathway. This allows us to work in partnership with parents giving them the opportunity to be apart of weekly planning, assessments and giving their input. 4.2 Explain the importance of engaging with a child to support sustained shared thinking. The importance of engaging with children is that it  enhances the child’s learning encounter encouraging, helping them to learn new words extended conversations and helps children to extended conversation to develop their own ideas, while chatting to them to promote their development. Sustained share thinking helps children to reach conclusions and explore concepts at a deeper level. During this period, children are also processing information more effectively and often make connections with things that they have already learnt. This â€Å"joining up† of ideas and concepts is extremely valuable. Children have to be extremely interested in an activity or something that has occurred to sustained shared thinking. We also have to be ready to follow up on things that children find fascinating or intergrading. Recognising the potential for sustained shared thinking is therefore essential.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ap Comparative Government/Politics Ch.1 Outline Essay

Introduction The Global Challenges of Comparative Politics Introduction to Comparative Politics-Studies how different countries both shape and are shaped by the world. 1989,2001, and 2008 define the current era of world politics-describes a particular important moment; critical juncture. A frequently cited date is 1989, when the Berlin wall was dismantled. 1989 ushered in three important changes. Marked the end of a bipolar world-marked the emergence of a unipolar world. Marked the triumph of one model of political and economic development. 1989 was a gateway to globalization. Globalization provided a new and distinctive lens for analyzing politics within and among countries. The key question is that whether the global diffusion of investment, trade, production, and electronic communication technologies would promote a worldwide expansion of opportunity and enhance human development. We have been forced to rethink the meaning of globalization Since on September 11, 2001, when the Islamic terrorist group led by Osama Bin Laden launched deadly attacks on The World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The attacks created a new challenge, and produced a tragic and somber critical juncture following the brief post-cold war period. Many countries have been attacked by terrorist before Sept. 11, 2001, including the U.S. This was different because of the amount of the scale-more than 3000 deaths. 9/11 was not an isolated event, soon followed attacks around the world. This led to be known as the Contemporary era. In October, the U.S. attacked the Taliban regime in Afghanistan because that was where it was known for Osama Bin Laden-the leader of the attack on 9/11-to be hiding. Globalization and Terrorism make the current era complex and fraught with uncertainties. 2008 is noteworthy because of a cascade of economic challenges. Such as the price of crude oil on world markets reached $100 a barrel and $140 by the summer. Gas at the pump c ost over $4 a gallon And a world wide recession erupted in late 2008, the demand for oil plummeted. The price of petroleum matters because the world runs on oil, it fuels the global economy. The world supply is finite, nonrenewable, and becoming increasingly scarce. Competition for access to petroleum has considerably increased in the twenty-first century. This is largely because China and India have achieved extraordinary rapid industrialization and economic growth that requires hugh amounts of oil. Many of the major petroleum exporters have somewhat unstable regimes. Finally, the cost of petroleum is measured in dollars, and the U.S. dollar has significantly declined recently. 2008 was the year when scientists started warning people about CO2 emissions and that in several decades may be an irreversible tipping point. Involving melting polar ice caps and rising sea levels, which can be disastrous for people in coastal areas. Globalization and Comparative Politics Globalization also involves the movement of people due to migration, employment, business, and educational opportunities. Globalization includes other profound changes that are less visible but equally significant. For example, new applications of information technology and new ways to deliver news and images around the world. Making Sense of Turbulent Times The World of States: the historical formation, internal organization, and interaction of states within the international order. Governing the Economy: the role of the state in economic management. The Democratic Idea: the spread of democracy and the challenges of democratization. The Politics of Collective Identities: the sources and political impact of diverse collective identities, including class, gender, ethnicity, nationality, and religion. What-and How-Comparative Politics Compares Comparative Politics is a subfield within the academic discipline of political science as well as a method or approach to the study of politics. Comparative Politics involves comparing domestic political institutions, processes, policies, conflicts, and attitudes in different countries. Level of Analysis Countries comprise distinct, politically defined territories that encompass political institutions, cultures, economics, and ethnic and other social identities. The state is almost always the most powerful cluster of institutions. State refers to the key political institutions responsible for making, implementing, and adjudicating important policies in a country. Causal Theories Themes for Comparative Analysis Theme 1: A World of States States provide more or less well for the social protection of citizens through the provision-in one way or another-of health care, old age pensions, aid to dependent children, and assistance to the unemployed. It is states that regulate the movement of people across boarders through immigration law. States have been significantly affected by globalization. Theme 2: Governing the Economy The success of states in maintaining sovereign authority and control over their people is greatly affected by their ability to ensure that an adequate volume of goods and services is produced to satisfy the needs of their populations. Effective economic performance is near the top of every states personal agenda. How it organizes production and the extent and nature of it intervention in the economy-is a key element in its overall pattern of governance. Political economy refers to how governments affect economic performance and how economic performance in turn affects a country’s political processes. Sustainable development which promotes ecologically sound ways to modernize the economy and raise the standards of living. Theme 3: The Democratic Idea One of the most important and astounding political developments in recent years has been the rapid spread of democracy throughout much of the world. There is overwhelming evidence of the strong appeal of the democratic idea, by which the claim by citizens that they should, exercise substantial control over the decisions made by their states and governments. By 2007 more countries were becoming free, while democracy is not yet uniformly practiced, nor uniformly accepted. Another important pressure for democracy is born of the human desire for dignity and equality. Social Movements have targeted the state because of its actions or inactions in such varied spheres as environmental regulation, reproductive rights, and race or ethnic relations. Theme 4: The Politics of Collective Identity Comparatists thought that social class-solidarities bases on the shared experience of work or economic position. Now know that the formation of group attachments and the interplay of politically relevant collective identities are far more complex and uncertain. Religion is another source of collective identity- as well as of severe political conflict. Distributional politics-the process of deciding who gets what and how resources are distributed. Classifying Political Systems When Comparativists classify a large number of cases into smaller number of types or clusters, they call the result a typology. Typology facilitate comparison both within the same type as well as between types of states. Can also compare across clusters or types. In this type of comparison-comparativists call this â€Å"most different case analysis†. What is the meaning-or rather meanings-of democracy? Selection to the highest public offices is on the basis of free and fair election. For an election to qualify as fair, there must be procedures in place guaranteeing candidates the right to compete, all citizens must be entitled to vote, and votes must be counted accurately. Political parties are free to organize, present candidates for public office, and compete in elections. The elected governments develops policy according to specified procedures. All citizens possess political rights. The political system contains a judiciary with powers independent of the executive and legislature. The elected government exercises supreme power within the government and country. There is widespread agreement that conflicts will be resolved peacefully. A Typology of Political Systems Our typology of political systems involves a further distinction between long-established, or consolidated democracies. Organization of the Text 1: The Making of the Modern State Section 1 provides an overview of the forces that have shaped the particular character of the state. This discussion should give you the idea of how the country assumed its current political order. 2: Political Economy and Development (1) Section 2 looks at the issues raised by our core theme of governing the economy and analyzes how economic development has affected political change. 3: Governance and Policy-Making (1) Section 3 describes the state’s major policy-making institutions and procedures. Representation and Participation (1) The focus of section 4 is the relationship between a country’s state and society. 5: Politics in Transition (1) In Section 5, each country study returns to the books four themes and analyzes the major challenges reshaping the world and the study of comparative politics.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Thirteen

Bonnie clutched the banana-nut muffin to her chest as if it was some kind of sacred offering. She just could not bring herself to knock on Matt's door. Instead, she turned big pleading brown eyes on Meredith and Elena. â€Å"Oh, Bonnie,† Meredith muttered, reaching past her, shifting the pile of bagels and the carton of orange juice she was carrying, and rapping loudly on the door. â€Å"I don't know what to say,† Bonnie whispered back, agonized. Then the door opened, and Matt appeared, red-eyed and pale. He seemed somehow smal er and more hunched into himself than Bonnie had ever seen him. Overwhelmed with pity, she forgot al about being nervous and launched herself into his arms, dropping the muffin in the process. â€Å"I'm so sorry,† she choked out, tears running down her face. Matt held on to her tightly, bending over and burying his head in her shoulder. â€Å"It's okay,† she said final y, desperately, patting the back of his head. â€Å"I mean, no, it's not †¦ of course it's not †¦ but we love you, we're here.† â€Å"I couldn't help him,† Matt said dul y, his face stil pressed against Bonnie's neck. â€Å"I tried my best, but he died anyway.† Elena and Meredith joined them, wrapping their arms around Matt from either side. â€Å"We know,† Elena said, rubbing his back. â€Å"You did everything you could for him.† Matt pul ed out of their arms eventual y and gestured around the room. â€Å"Al this stuff is his,† he said. â€Å"His parents don't feel like they're ready to clear out his things yet, they told the police. It's kil ing me to see it al stil here when he's not. I thought about packing it up for his parents, but there's a possibility that the police might want to look through his stuff.† Bonnie shuddered at the thought of what Christopher's parents must be going through. â€Å"Have something to eat,† Meredith said. â€Å"I bet you haven't eaten for ages. Maybe it'l help you feel better.† Al three girls fussed around, fixing the breakfast they'd brought for Matt, then convincing him to taste something, anything. He drank some juice and picked at a bagel, his head lowered. â€Å"I was at the police station al night,† he said. â€Å"I had to keep going over and over what happened.† â€Å"What did happen?† Bonnie asked tentatively. Matt sighed. â€Å"I real y wish I knew. I just saw somebody dressed in black running away from Christopher. I wanted to chase him, but Chris needed my help. And then he died. I tried, but I couldn't do anything.† His forehead creased into a frown. â€Å"The real y weird thing, though,† he said slowly, â€Å"is that, even though I saw a person running away, the police think Christopher was attacked by some kind of animal. He was †¦ pretty ripped up.† Elena and Meredith exchanged an alert glance. â€Å"A vampire?† said Meredith. â€Å"Or a werewolf, maybe?† â€Å"I was wondering about that,† Matt admitted. â€Å"It makes sense.† Without seeming to notice, he finished his bagel, and Elena took advantage of his distraction to slip some fruit onto his plate. Bonnie wrapped her arms around herself. â€Å"Why?† she asked. â€Å"Why is it that, wherever we go, weird, scary things happen around us? I thought that once we left Fel ‘s Church things would be different.† No one argued with her. For a little while, they al sat quietly, and Bonnie felt as if they were huddling together, trying to protect themselves from something cold and horrible. Final y, Meredith reached out and took an orange slice off Matt's plate. â€Å"The first thing we need to do, then, is to investigate and try to figure out if these attacks and disappearances are supernatural.† She chewed thoughtful y. â€Å"As much as I hate to say it, we should probably get Damon on this. He's good at this kind of thing. And Stefan should know what's going on, too.† She looked at Elena, her voice gentle. â€Å"I'l talk to them, okay, Elena?† Elena shrugged. Bonnie could tel she was trying to keep her expression blank, but her lips were trembling. â€Å"Of course,† she said after a minute. â€Å"I'm sure they're both checking things out anyway. You know how paranoid they are.† â€Å"Not without reason,† Meredith said dryly. Matt's eyes were wet. â€Å"Whatever happens, I need you to promise me something,† he said. â€Å"Please, be careful. I can't – let's not lose anyone else, okay?† Bonnie snuggled closer to him, putting her hand on his. Meredith reached over and placed her hand over both of theirs, and Elena added hers to the pile. â€Å"We'l take care of one another,† Elena said. â€Å"A vow,† said Bonnie, trying to smile. â€Å"We'l always watch out for one another. We'l make sure everyone is safe.† At that moment, as they murmured in agreement, she was sure they could do it. Meredith pivoted and stepped forward, swinging her staff down to strike at Samantha's heavily padded knees. Samantha dodged the blow, then jabbed her own staff straight toward Meredith's head. Meredith blocked the blow, then thrust her staff at Samantha's chest. Samantha staggered backward and lost her footing. â€Å"Wow,† she said, rubbing her col arbone and looking at Meredith with a mixture of resentment and appreciation. â€Å"That hurt, even with the padding. I've never trained with anyone so strong before.† â€Å"Oh, Well,† Meredith said modestly, feeling absurdly pleased, â€Å"I practice a lot.† â€Å"Uh-huh,† Samantha said, eyeing her. â€Å"Let's take a break.† She flopped down on the mat, and Meredith, her staff balanced lightly in one hand, sat beside her. It wasn't her staff, of course, not her special hunting one. She couldn't bring her heirloom slayer staff to the gym – it was too clearly a customized deadly weapon. But she'd been delighted to learn that Samantha could fight with a four-foot-long jo staff and that she had an extra. Samantha was quick and smart and fierce, one of the best sparring partners she'd ever had. Fighting, Meredith was able to block out the helpless feeling she'd had in Matt's room this morning. There was something so pathetic about seeing al Christopher's things sitting there ready for him, when he was never coming back. He had one of those weird little fake Zen gardens on his desk, the sand neatly groomed. Maybe just the day before, Christopher had picked up the tiny rake in his hand and smoothed the sand, and now he'd never touch anything again. And it was her fault. Meredith squeezed her staff, her knuckles whitening. She had to accept that. If she had the power of being a potent force against darkness, a hunter and slayer of monsters, she had the responsibility, too. Anything that got through and kil ed someone in her territory was Meredith's failure and her shame. She had to work harder. Practice more, go out patrol ing the campus, keep people safe. â€Å"Are you al right?† Samantha's voice broke through Meredith's thoughts. Startled, Meredith saw Samantha staring at her with wide, solemn dark eyes, taking in Meredith's gritted teeth and clenched fists. â€Å"Not entirely,† said Meredith dryly. â€Å"Um.† She felt like she had to explain her grimness. â€Å"Did you hear about what happened last night, the guy who was kil ed?† Samantha nodded slowly, her expression unreadable. â€Å"Well, he was the roommate of a real y good friend of mine. And I was with my friend today, trying to help him. It was †¦ upsetting.† Samantha's face seemed to harden, and she scrambled up on her knees. â€Å"Listen, Meredith,† she said, â€Å"I promise you this isn't going to happen again. Not on my watch.† â€Å"On your watch?† Meredith asked mildly. Suddenly, it felt hard to breathe. â€Å"I have responsibilities,† Samantha said. She dropped her eyes to her hands. â€Å"I'm going to catch this kil er.† â€Å"It's a big job,† Meredith said. It wasn't possible, was it? But Samantha was such a good fighter, and what she was saying †¦ why would she think she was responsible for stopping the kil er? â€Å"What makes you think you can do it?† she asked. â€Å"I know this is difficult to believe, and I shouldn't even be tel ing you, but I need your help.† Samantha was looking straight into her eyes, practical y vibrating with earnestness. â€Å"I'm a hunter. I was raised to†¦ I have a sacred trust. Al my family for generations, we've fought against evil. I'm the last of us. My parents were kil ed when I was thirteen.† Meredith gasped, shocked, but Samantha shook her head fiercely, pushing Meredith's sympathy away. â€Å"They hadn't finished training me,† she continued, â€Å"and I need you to help me get better, get faster. I'm not strong enough yet.† Meredith stared at her. â€Å"Please, Meredith,† Samantha said. â€Å"I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. People are depending on me.† Unable to stop herself, Meredith started to laugh. â€Å"It's not a joke,† Samantha said, jumping to her feet, her fists clenched. â€Å"This is†¦ I shouldn't have said anything.† She stalked toward the door, her back as straight as a soldier's. â€Å"Samantha, wait,† Meredith cal ed. Samantha whirled back toward her with a face ful of fury. Meredith took a quick breath and tried desperately to remember something she'd learned as a child but never had occasion to use. Crooking her pinkies together, she drew up her thumbs to make a triangle, the secret sign of greeting between two hunters. Samantha just stared at her, face perfectly blank. Meredith wondered if she remembered the sign correctly. Had Samantha's family even taught it to her? Meredith knew there were other families out there, but she had never met any of them before. Her parents had left the hunter community before she was born. Then Samantha, moving as quickly as she ever had when they'd sparred, was before her, gripping her arms. â€Å"For real?† Samantha said. â€Å"Are you serious?† Meredith nodded, and Samantha threw her arms around her and clutched her tightly. Her heart was beating so hard that Meredith could feel it. Meredith stiffened at first – she wasn't the touchy-feely type, despite being best friends with wildly affectionate Bonnie for years – but then relaxed into the hug, feeling Samantha's slim, muscular body under her arms, so like her own. She had the strangest feeling of familiarity, as if she had been lost and had now found her true family at last. Meredith knew she could never say any of that, and part of her felt like she was betraying Elena and Bonnie just by thinking that way, but she couldn't help it. Samantha pul ed away, smiling and weepy, wiping at her eyes and nose. â€Å"I'm acting stupid,† she said. â€Å"But this is the best thing that ever happened to me. Together, we can fight this.† She gave a half-hysterical sniff and gazed at Meredith with huge shining eyes. â€Å"I feel like I've made a new best friend,† she said. â€Å"Yes,† Meredith said – not weeping, not laughing, cool as ever on the outside but, inside, feeling like she was breaking into happy pieces – â€Å"yes, I think you're right.†

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

MGM600-0803B-02 Applied Managerial Decision-Making - Phase 4 Essay

MGM600-0803B-02 Applied Managerial Decision-Making - Phase 4 Individual Project - Essay Example Thus: This type of relationship between the two variables exists when both of them move in the same direction, i.e. either both of them move upward or downward. If we consider two variables X and Y, they are positively or directly correlated if the have values as given under in two cases and when these values are plotted on a graph, the graph will rise from left to right. This type of relationship exists between the two variables when both of them move in the opposite directions i.e. one variable moves upwards while the other moves downwards. If two variables are negatively correlated then they will have the values as given under and if these values are plotted on a graph, the graph will fall from left to right. Correlation between the two variables is said to be perfectly positive if the coefficient of correlation is calculated as +1 and perfectly negative if the coefficient of correlation is calculated as -1. Forecasting is a critical job for the managers around the world and correlation is a statistical tool that can considerably help the managers at Widge Corp to arrive at decisive conclusions, so far as the marketing of their soft drinks in public schools is concerned. 1. According to the article ‘Closing the Digital Divide: Internet Subsidies in Public Schools by Goolsbee and Guryan, there definitely exists a positive correlation between the two variables ‘Number of school lunch eligible students in the school’ and ‘Amount of federal and state funding for the school for education related programs’ (2003) . Thus it will be positively beneficial for the managers at Widge Corp to focus their marketing activities on the schools where the number of ‘School lunch eligible students’ is

Job Opportunities for International Students Assignment

Job Opportunities for International Students - Assignment Example We need to improve this problem for international students in order to protect their professional lives. Problem The problem is that a huge number of International students come to the US to get educated in various fields, but when it comes to getting jobs in the US, they face huge problems, ranging from Visa issues to nationality. Putting it in easy words; to get job in the US, one has to have the green card. If International students don’t have the citizenship, they will most probably go back home and get on with their lives, against their will. This paper is an effort to highlight these issues and propose solution to it. Who knows, this effort might ring a bell in someone somewhere and easy visa policy or some immigration law would change the fate of thousands of international students and million more to come in the future. Purpose The main purpose is to highlight the issue of job opportunities for international students in the US, the other purpose is to convince the OCS officials to take appropriate action in this matter. Primary Audience Officials of the Office Career Services constitute the primary audience of this paper, although anyone that has a stake in the matter stated above is in the audience. But OCS officials are certainly in a position to take action and can contribute immensely to the solution of the problem. Secondary Audience; People/Organizations that can play a part US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) is the one that makes rules that govern hiring in the US of non-US citizens (, and that makes them the other party that needs to be included in the paper. Whatever decision the authorities make regarding employment of international students in the US, USCIS will play a crucial role in it. EducationUSA is also another party that can impact the outcome to this problem. As the U.S. higher education community works together with EducationUSA to draw qualified international students to U.S. campuses ( , they can help develop such study programs that are more feasible to authorities such as USCIS when giving work permit or giving slack in visa restrictions. The other party will be the students. It only makes sense that whatever the OCS authorities will come up with, international students need to cooperate to make it work, and that makes them the secondary audience. Directly Affected The International students studying in the US and planning to hunt down job opportunities and avail them here in the United States will be directly affected by the ideas. The students who want to stay in North America and apply the knowledge they have been learning in the Universities. It won’t be stretching the notion too far, if I have to say that society on the whole will benefit from policy amendments. Many economists believe that the resources need to be put to the best of their use, and that is precisely what I am striving for in this reflection. What makes me suitable for this research? I cannot think of a more suited word than ‘victim’ for the position I find myself in, which puts me in the position to research and propose in this matter. I am a senior at UMD and I do not see any major job opportunity for me

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Managerial control case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Managerial control case study - Essay Example The specific sector of the PC industry analyzed relates to the product lines offered by Apple Inc. in this industry, and thus includes Desktops and Notebooks together with allied peripherals and Software services. A schematic diagram of the framework used is shown in Appendix-A. One of the most important forces that govern the strategy adopted by a firm within any industry relates to the threat of new entrants. The PC industry is a high-technology industry characterized by constant innovation and technology obsolescence. Hence the most significant threat from the point of view of entry barriers figures in the form of high capital requirements, primarily for investment in research and development for coming up with innovative products in line with the dynamically changing requirements of the marketplace. This is therefore a major deterrent for new entrants. Secondly, since the industry has been growing very rapidly with large demand volumes in the global market, the economies of scale enjoyed by the established players cannot be matched by the new entrants and thus, this is another significant deterrent to new entrants. All other factors under Entry barriers are favorable to new entrants desirous of entering this industry. The level of product differentiation in this industry is not very high, with only a few innovative features offered by different competitors making for some minimal differentiation. Similarly the switching cost to buyers is not very high in the industry as a whole, considering substantial standardization. Although Apple Computers has been known for closely guarding the secrets of its proprietary technology so far, now with the alliance with Microsoft and availability of Windows 98 for Mac users since 1998, the switching cost for Mac users trying to switch to Wintel platforms has also been low. The distribution channels again, are no longer brand channels. Thus on the whole most of these

Monday, August 26, 2019

Unit 3 discussion domestic violence Research Paper

Unit 3 discussion domestic violence - Research Paper Example all that by producing a quality genetic generation with little or no traits of criminal behaviour but those focused on making our planet liveable in the next years to come. I believe the theory in as far as the notion of battery tendencies being experienced and not inherited. This is so because any form of violence including battery is acquired through the social learning process from abusive family members (Gosselin, 2009). Children learn from abusive parents and they pass these traits to their children through the same process of being violent and their children copying the same behaviour. An example to explain why the battery tendencies are not inherited is from observing siblings from the same parents acting out differently to resolve differences. Not all of them act violently and this explains why the behaviour is experienced. Children who experience or as exposed to more domestic violence and especially battery tend to be more violent that those who did not experience

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Christianity and Native America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Christianity and Native America - Essay Example However, what is often overlooked and unasked is that whether those who rabidly defend political correctness, and attack those who disagree with their perspective could have refrained from the same kind of evangelistic fervor if confronted with a people who were savagely killing each other. One can only wonder if the politically correct missionaries (or police) would have made it any farther than the shores of the new land. The Spanish missionaries sent forward by the catholic church of Europe, although they were met with resistance, did forge relationships with the Indian tribes, and assist them in transitioning into a lifestyle that was more advantageous for them. These missionaries also were some of the forerunners for the settlers who would follow. Their work opened the doors for European settlers to establish working relationships with Indian peoples, if only in limited areas and with limited success. But missionaries measure there success not in terms of states and land mass, b ut rather in terms of the number of individuals touched and benefiting from their work. On the other hand, the Catholics' missionary zeal directed toward the new world was misguided in more than one instance. These missionaries did not understand the concept of evangelizing and spreading their faith without including a secondary goal of changing the evangelized people's culture as well. Arriving to their new "mission field" the missionaries only had their own experience to draw from. The catholic missionary work across the European continent was performed within a people group that had, for the most part, arisen from the same culture roots. All of Europe had grown out of, and out from under the influence of the Greco - Roman Empire. The continent had been conquered and re-conquered a number of times, and each time, the victorious nations would sew into the culture more of its own world view and belief system. So, while the nations and regions had different traditions, languages, etc, the continent was, as it is today, a product of a Greco-roman belief system which had been strongly influenced by Christianity for 1400 years. Upon arrival in the new world, the catholic missionaries had only their own experiences to draw from. They did not understand the concept of teaching a faith in Jesus Christ without including the effort to transpose their culture upon the new converts as well. According to the Marquette University studies of Christianity in North America: "Catholic evangelization of the Americas' aboriginal Indian peoples is a story of epic proportions. It is a saga on spreading the Gospel for over 500 years and it is a struggle for peace and justice, cultural accommodation, and the development of indigenous Christian faith communities." (2003) Today, the Catholic Church understands the goal is to create indigenous communities within the local people groups who embrace the catholic faith. However, at the time of the settlement of North America, this theory was not in place. The Roman Catholic Church viewed itself as the repository of civilized culture, and their goal was to bring local native peoples into their faith and culture regardless of the means necessary. For example, one of the most famous settlements of catholic missionaries which still exists for examination today are the set of five missions built in the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Marketing 4580 International Transportation Essay - 1

Marketing 4580 International Transportation - Essay Example Postconsumer recycled content are environmental friendly and a firm could use these materials in packaging. Another environmental friendly strategy that a firm could apply would be the reduction of packaging materials used and instead use just one material for packaging. In order to keep the cycle going the firm should also have an environmental friendly system to collect the materials used in packaging for recycling. The last effective strategy would be to use materials that could be under use again after cleaning like refillable beverage bottles. Logistics have been existent since civilization and it is both exciting and challenging. If the packaging inefficiency were under reduction, there would be a great ease because logistics deals with getting products wherever they are in need at the right time. This is only possible; by the way, the products are stored. The first principle that states that materials should be handled as less as possible surprises me most. I fail to understand the aim of handling materials without really handling them, but the results of this principle stand out for themselves. The other principle that surprises me is the principle of moving optimum units in one package. I would argue that it is more risky to move a huge number of goods in one unit due to risk of destruction and huge losses. In fragmented logistics, activities are under management in many different offices in an organization while in unified logistics as the name suggests multiple activities under execution in one department and managed as a single unit. Every participant in the network organization has their specific duty to carry out under their department. If everyone is doing their duty, then the agility of the whole system should be precise and accurate on timing and coordination. One principle of logistics is not to affect the production of the product. If a network is efficient the relevancy, responsiveness and flexibility is under

Friday, August 23, 2019

Virgin Atlantic A Premium Brand Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Virgin Atlantic A Premium Brand - Essay Example The company, Virgin Atlantic, implemented the core value marketing strategies (Czinkota, 2007). The company’s Steve Ridgeway, VirginAtlantic’s Marketing Director, focused on advertising the many benefits of flying the London and other skies within the comfortable passenger planes of Virgin Atlantic. Mr. Ridgeway joined Virgin Atlantic Airlines in1989. Ridgeway’s successful marketing strategies triggered his promotion to the more responsible and more hectic head of marketing position in 1992. The promotions activities included offering discounts and other special privileges to frequent flyers. The company offered busy airline travelers to enroll in the company’s frequent flyer programme. Ruth Blakemore, Virgin Atlantic’s Marketing Head, coordinates with Mr. Ridgway as one of the top marketing officers of Virgin Atlantic (Doyle, 2012). Further, the company implemented excellent quality customer services to increase customer demand(McDonald, 2007). The company’s in-flight catering service is on the same level as the catering services of other competing airline companies. The company’s airport retail area caters to the personal and other travel needs of the company’s airport passengers. Within the airports, the customers can easily access the busy duty free shops. The company also implements a prestigious product development as well as public relations campaign under the strong leadership of Mr. Ridgeway. Specifically, the company’s advertising budget is equal to two percent of the company’s overall turnover or revenues. The advertising campaigns are described as several short advertisements being handled by several professional advertising and promotions organizations (Doyle, 2012). Further, Virgin Atlantic’s management structure focuses on customer-based marketing. The company’s pricing and services are geared towards filling the current and future customers’ demands or wan ts. The company’s headquarters is in Crawley, near Gatwick. The organisation implements flexible communication activities within the line and staff setup. The organization is described as loose. One senior officer of the company described the management structure as filled to the brim with entrepreneurial trimmings, independent, and autonomy. Management exercises strong control of both the employees and the scarce company resources. Most of the company’s employees had prior experiences in other competing United Kingdom airline companies. The people are given the free will to make decisions within the necessity of wasting time trying to seek approval from the upper levels of management. The management policies include scrutinizing and managing organizational expenses and costs. Each sector of the airline company is mandated to reduce operating expenses. The company’s top three management officers are managing director Roy Gardner, managing director Syd Pennington , and finance director Nigel Primrose. The three officers report directly to Virgin Atlantic Airlines founder Richard Branson (Doyle, 2012). The company’s Managing Director Roy Gardner brings a vast airline operations experience to uplifting the operational management of the company. Gardner was the former technical director of Virgin Airways in 1984. Prior to his Virgin Airways stint, Gardner worked with Laker Airways. Garner also had several years’ experience working with British Caledonian Airways. Mr. Gardner’s airline experiences, prior to Virgin Atlanti

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Irony In Nathan The Wise Essay Example for Free

Irony In Nathan The Wise Essay Nathan the Wise is a call for reexamination among those who consider themselves as having the monopoly on truth while the rest of the world are supposedly living their lives based on false creeds. The misunderstanding among peoples or nations is rooted in this perception. Gotthold Lessing’s play sought to highlight the innate prejudices of his characters’ religious affiliations and subsequently provided a pithy reminder in the form of an irony. â€Å"Ah! Indeed you do not know how closer I shall cling to you henceforth. We must, we will be friends. Despise my nation. We did not choose a nation for ourselves. Are we our nations? What’s a nation then? Were Jews and Christians such, e’er they were men? And have I found in thee one more, to whom It is enough to be a man? (Lessing)† This was Nathan’s response to The Templar on the latter’s perception of Jews. The irony is on the second to the last sentence which implores humanity to be humane or kind to others regardless of what one believed in. Lessing is contrasting people living their lives based on religions and men who are humane kind to their fellowmen. The irony is in our supposition that our beliefs save us, guide our conduct, and teach us to be human. Yet the same precepts tend to make us biased and often cruel to those outside our fold. Indeed everyone is certain that his belief is the truth among many â€Å"lies†. Sometimes it’s this self-righteousness that makes us unjust. A paradox as pointed out by Lessing. It is ironic that a play written more than two centuries still holds true today. IRONY IN TARTUFFE Moliere parodied religiosity through his play, Tartuffe. Moliere created a very witty play of witless characters-with the exception of the servant girl, Dorine and Cleante. The irreverence of the play could explain away its banning during its time. Hypocrisy is personified by Tartuffe as credulity is personified by Orgon. There are gems of literary passages in the play that demonstrate irony. One particular instance was the interjection of Dorine to Orgon who was convincing his surprised mother about Tartuffe’s masquerade. This passage in Act V, Scene V is worth considering: â€Å"You are quite wrong, you have no right to blame him; This action only proves his good intentions. Love for his neighbour makes his virtue perfect; And knowing money is a root of evil, In Christian charity, hed take away Whatever things may hinder your salvation. † Orgon and his family are about to be evicted from their own home by the unscrupulous Tartuffe when this particular dialogue was uttered. He was already at a loss of how Tartuffe could have done this to him. The irrepressible Dorine could not resist jabbing him verbally. To be deprived of one’s property is to be given the chance to be eternally saved since the thing that causes sin is taken away from you. The person robbing you then is in fact doing you a favor and the robbery itself is a result of good intentions. This may be a tongue-in-cheek line but the irony is apparent in the situation where the quest for religiosity has led almost to Orgon’s total material depravity. IRONY IN THE PRINCESS OF CLEVES â€Å"If any other motives than honour and virtue were necessary to induce you to persist in that character you have hitherto worthily sustained; I would tell you, that a reverse of conduct will disturb my happiness in a better world. But should (which Heaven forbid! ) this heavy misfortune be inevitable, I shall welcome death with joy, since it prevents my being witness to your disgrace (Lafayette). † These last words in the deathbed of Madame de Chartres were part of a warning to her daughter of the pitfalls of falling in love while married. Rather than prevent the Princess of Cleves falling in love, it further arouses in her the need to experience what is romantic and for her which obviously she has not found from the Prince of Cleves. Aside from this irony of a warning prodding one to fall into the pit of forbidden love, Madame de Chartres or Madame Lafayette treated us with verbal irony in the last two sentences. She indicated that if the Princess will stray from the marriage path, she will be unhappy. Still she added she might be happy in death since it will prevent her from witnessing that which would bring disgrace to her daughter. This strong admonition is quite consistent with how society looks upon extramarital dalliances. The Princess was only guilty of mental infidelity. Ironically, it was not only her who suffered but her mother, who died of a broken heart, perhaps from a daughter who ignored her; husband, who died of jealousy; the Duc Nemours who suffered emotionally; and finally the Princess herself who entered a convent. The deathbed warning is ironically not helping the Princess. It destroyed everybody. Bibliography Lessing, G. E. (n. d. ). Nathan the Wise. Retrieved March 14, 2009, from PDF Books: www. pdfbooks. co. za Moliere, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin. The Project Gutenberg EBook Tartuffe. Project Gutenberg, October 26, 2008 (Posting Date). Lafayette, M. The Princess of Cleves. London: J. WILKIE, No. 71, St. PAUL’S.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

House Security Essay Example for Free

House Security Essay Remote Control via Telephone Kit K6501 Makes it possible to turn up to three devices on or off over the telephone. It is also possible to check the status of a switch (open or closed). Remote Control Thermostat Kit K6502 Used as any other thermostat, but with the added function of choosing the day or night temperature setting by means of remote control over a telephone. Remote Control by Cell Phone Kit MK160 Use your cell phone for remote control of lighting, heating, gate operation, control animal feeders, activate a car alarm, etc. E-Lock Electronic Lock Kit ML222 A touch tone activated combination lock controlled by the keypad of a mobile phone. When the correct combination is entered, a relay on the circuit board is activated. The relay can be connected to a solenoid (not included) to unlock a door or cabinet. A Spy Phone, or GSM Spy cellphone, is a normal mobile phone, where a software has been installed, which allows a third party to monitor the activities of the phone user. To avoid suspicions, a Spyphone must be given either as a present (for family members monitoring) or given as company equipment (for personnel monitoring). Naturally, if you want to listen to a person’s conversation, they must be using the phone on which the spy software has been installed. It is important to clarify that the GSM spy cellphone is not a phone that you can use to listen to conversations involving other people around you; on the contrary, this is a handset whose conversations can be listened to from an unlimited distance. To be able to listen to environmental conversations taking place around the spy phone, you must call it from your phone (the so called monitoring phone). The spy cellphone software will recognize the caller as a controlling number, and will silently activate the microphone, allowing you to listen to conversations around the phone within a range of a few meters. To intercept a telephone conversation, you will have to wait for a phone call to star t, which will be notified to you with an SMS message. At this point you will be able to call the spy telephone from the monitoring number, and listen to the phone call in real time, and without being noticed. To intercept text messages, both incoming and outgoing, you just have to send an SMS to the spyphone, containing a command string which will activate the relevant function. To locate the GPS position of the spy mobile phone, you can send another text command by SMS, and within a few minutes, the spy phone will reply with an SMS that indicates the geographical coordinates of its position. At this point, just enter the coordinates on Google Maps or Google Earth, and you will be immediately able to see the exact location of the spy cellphone at that time. If you are very busy, and have no time to call and listen in real time, you can activate the recording function, which will automatically record all calls and environmental conversations, and at a later stage send them directly to your e-mail address. This function is activated just like all others, and that is, by sending an SMS, which just like all other operating commands will not be displayed on the spy phone screen. In fact, all functions can be activated via SMS, and in the same fashion they can be disabled one by one. Our GSM spyphones have a wide range of applications like monitoring older people or children, or to protect your assets or personal interests. They are not meant to be used for any illegal purpose. Our spy software is installed manually. The spy file is sent via infrared or Bluetooth connection, from your computer or another phone. This aspect can help us in difficult cases: for example, if you are not able to have your target use a spy phone that you can give as a present or a benefit, all you need to do is get hold of their phone for a few minutes, and quickly transfer the spy software from your phone via Bluetooth, installing the software within a few seconds, without leaving any visible sign. Once the spy software is correctly installed, the job is done. All functions can be individually enabled, disabled or configured remotely via SMS. All SMS messages containing operating instructions are absolutely invisible: the spyphone receives them, but they are grabbed by the spy software and will not show up on the display or give out any sign of activity. In one unique product you will find comfortable and effective security control of your home using the simplest of controls. GSM Alarm Home Control operates fully automatically. Ensure your house is safe with a chip or a card, with an alarm siren, with a message to your phone or to a security agency and enjoy the possibility of switching on an appliance with a phone call or an sms. However, if you require more comfortable control, you can have a touch screen control in your home, an application on your mobile or even connect to your home via the internet. The product will secure the whole house when you leave. At night, however, it can protect only the rooms that you do not use. This ensures a good nights sleep, safe in the mind that your house is secure from illegal entry whilst you sleep. Its up to you whether you connect an outdoor siren and rely on the fact that thieves will be frightened away, or, vice versa, if you let a thief steal in peace while the silent alarm is alerting the security agency and you have a chance to catch the thieves red-handed. With our product you can connect indoor and outdoor thermometers. From a distance you can check the temperature, receive an SMS if the set temperature is exceeded and even specify the individual room temperature. Before arriving at your weekend cottage or at home you can set the temperature in advance so that you come home to a nice, comfortable climate. Remote controls are expensive and often do not have the necessary reach or you are constantly looking for it! In contrast, we carry a mobile phone all the time. Therefore, if the appliance is connected to GSM Home Control you can easily control everything from your mobile. This doesnt just mean from anywhere in the world, you can also do it from the comfort of your sofa! The product doesnt satisfy the basic configuration for your house? Do you have specific requirements? We are here for you and we can prepare any configuration to give you peace of mind.

Handling Teenage Pregnancy Analysis Social Work Essay

Handling Teenage Pregnancy Analysis Social Work Essay Teenage pregnancy is no longer a surprising news to the public. Teenage pregnancy referring to McGraw-Hill dictionary, understood to occur in an age 13 to 19 who has not completed her secondary school study, has few or no marketable skills, is financially dependent upon her parents or continues to live at home and is often mentally immature . It made a critical impact upon Hong Kong society and it became a significan issue in society and academic fields. The paper would illustrate the brief history and contemporary situation in Hong Kong. It will also analyzes the social work pratice area of teenage pregnancy in Hong Kong and the reason why it is a hard task to deal. This is one of the social work practice that I think it is difficult for me to work on. I would review literature and cases about how can social workers handle this problem for the preparation for the further study and future work. Introduction In the past ten years of the 20th century, British governments became aware of teenage pregnancy issue as a significant public health and social problem . As a long-time sociologist on this isssue has observed, teenage pregnancy has become a veritable industry . This view was shared by Hong Kong society. Official statistics have already clearly shown the teenage pregnancy problem years ago. According to the a public survey on school-based sex education in Hong Kong conducted by Department of Social Work at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, among those aged 26 or below who requested for abortion in the past three years, 3% of them were teenagers below 16. Moreover , 183 teenagers aged below 18 gave birth in 2006 . All these statistics have again aroused the public concern. For the social work field, this is a social issue worthy of discussion. A local youth organization in Hong Kong conducted an exploratory and qualitative study focusing on teenagers who had become pregnant under the age of 18 (Hong Kong Federation of Youth Group 1995b). This is a in-depth study on teenage pregnancy in Hong Kong. The total of 25 girls were interviewed whom were referred by the Social Welfare Departmaent and other NGO. The study aimed at finding out their attitudes towards sex and contraception as well as the decision-making process regarding abortion. It explored that more interviewees chose to have an abortion in Hong Kong than to give birth to a baby that may trouble their futures. About half them made the decision to terminate the pregnancy within 2 weeks. However, four girls could not make up their minds or come to an agreement with their boyfriends . In these cases, the 24th week passed without a decision, making it too late for a legal abortion. Dealing with their issues of pregnancies, they worried more about the unpredictable chang es in their future life than the social moral or others impression on them. All in all, it concluded that these girls had actively participated in the decision-making process, moreover, even make the decision by themselves. In some condition,heir parents were not in direct practical help and some parents even did not know the problem at all. Difficulties in handling teenage pregnancy I know the most difficult part for me to handle the teenage pregnancy case is client self-determination phase. The client may be already suffered from her own confusion and the complicated emotion. As a professional social worker, must help the client to understand the pros and cons in her situation. Following the NASW Code of Ethics social workers respect and promote the right of clients to self-determination and assist clients in their efforts to identify and clarify their goals . This decision making is an overwhelmed task for everyone. To choose an abortion, means a loss of a essential attachment relationship . It is a more psychological tramua than a biological hurt. Choosing to keep the baby, also lead to a loss of the normal life, facing the threat of social norms, financial problem, parental style, end up of education, etc. It seems that there is never a good choice. In this helping process, it may conflict with my own interest and personal value and I afraid that would influence the clients self-determination ability. I feel confident with my professional of non-judgmental, but talking about providing the options, it is hard for my preference of anti-abortion. My mother is a Christian and her Christian value of opposing abortion has a great affect on me. From a Christian view, deliberate abortion, unless the mothers life is in danger, is murder. I agree with the idea that this is kind of killing the most defenseless livin beings by taking away their most basic right to live, without their permission. So this is also the reason why in some countries, abortion is illegal. The baby is innocent. It is a tragedy that one have no right to determine to live or not. I regard the baby as human life though some people say it is only an unwanted tissue. Besides, teenage abortion patients are more likely to come up with physical risks. Because their bodies are not yet fully developed and can not produce pathogens, which are found in the cervical mucus of older women and protect them from infection . These teenagers are also twice as likely to experience cervical lacerations and higher risk for post-abortion infections such as pelvic inflammatory disea se and endometritis . Scared by above information, I was clear that my personal interest is an obstacle to me of giving the unwed mother the choice of abortion. On the other hand, continue the pregnancy, the major concern is raising up the baby. If the baby could not born in a complete family, or the parent were reluctant to accept his/her, it may cause a negative effect on the babys whole life. It is not his choice to come to this world, but he have to bear all these. I really believe in the family of origins lifelong affect on the baby. Social scientists have found that the children growing up in single parent families are disadvantaged in many aspects comparing to a two-biological-parent families . Studies shows that these children are more potentially to have deviant behaviors such as become low acadamic achievement, drug abuse, join a gang, ect. Many of these problems are related to the poor economic condition and parenting style. To be honest, none of us want to born in a single parent family. The child may rather his mother did not give birth to him, but he have no choice. I worry that my dilemma of these cases would affect these sensitive teenage as they are really vulnerable under such condition. In the future work, I realize there is no way to escape from all this kind of issue. I have no choice but find out a applicable way to deal with it. How do social worker handle teenage pregnancy After doing literature review, I found the cardinal values of social work give me an effective support to handle these crisis. The Code of Ethics point out that all human beings deserve access to the resources they need to deal with lifes problems and to develop their full potential . As a social worker, we must believe that the client have the ability to make the preferable decision. Keep neutral and enhance their problem-solving and decision-making capacity in order to avoid conflict between our personal beliefs with the clients value. Tough decision to make Applying empathy to this kind of cases, we should recognize their emotional reactions. If we can not stand in their positions, it is impossible to help them to help themselves. During this period, their emotion would be easily affected and would go through shocked, frightened, frustrated, angry, helpless, lost and alone, worried and shameful. Showing acceptance and being supportive is essential, it can lower the clients anxiety and build up a trustful relationship. After the clients management of her emotion, weigh out the options, for example: her mental or physical health during prenancy, the financial conditionl and family support of the teenagers family, the family and status of the father, the future education or other plans for her . In the helping process, she is assisted to appraise her strengths and weaknesses as well as her extant resources and limitations, identify and assess alternatives, show empathy on her thoughts and feelings as well as take serious consideration of the welfare of the baby . Understand and inform the client about the pros and cons of all the choices, utilize the resources and then respect her choice no matter what it is.. Though the final decision is made by the client, this choice in fact would not be decided by her own. No doubt this would involved of her family support system or partner and friends social network. These teenager are tend to make decision under the pressure given by their parens or boyfriends. Mothers choice Usually, social worker whom work on the teenage pregnancy case will provide the teen three options and help this client to assess her situation. Keep the baby. If the client decide to keep the baby, the social worker should make it clear to the realistic demands of the costs whether now or the future. Make sure she get the fully perspective of the future challenges. Many kinds of responsibilities she has to take, such as physical and psychological changes, financial risks or maternal management. And the most important, is she well prepare for the new role of a parent. Give the baby up for adoption. The most crucial task before the babys birth, is consider to make the maximum benefits for the baby. Though it may broken the mothers heart. After concerns of the babys better future, some pregnant girls will continue their pregnancies and painfully give up the baby for adoption. If the client face her situation of not ready for a parenthood, no matter what kind of factors, we should respect her choice. She is bravely admitting she is not ready to becom a mother but want her baby to achieve a better life. To choose adoption can arouse the sense of loss and guilty. This feeling will start with the pregnancy itself because the expectant parents realize the fact of accept the loss of their own immediate life plans . Dealing with sadness and guilt is not easy, some of them may really suffer from the fact that permanently separated from their child or even feel grief and shame last a lifetime. So analyze all these cost and possibilities and inform her as much details as possible, it help her feel in control and confirm of making this decision. End the pregnancy. Some time abortion is a hard but reasonable choice. Abortion is a very sensitive issue for many people and a very difficult decision to make for many women. But to some extent, finacial or psychological limitation, they have no choice but to give up their babies for adortion for further consideration. Having an abortion under 24 weeks is considered legal in Hong Kong. Also, social worker should make sure that the client is informed the possible consequences, by consulting the doctor, the family and the partner to evaluate the determination. How if I face this issue As I realize the difficulties of myself in dealing with teenage pregnancy, the best way to solve this dilemma is follow the ethical principles. All social workers work is helping people to help themselves. What I have to do is to help her find out the best way to solve her problem. First is to keep confidential. Only in this way, the client assured that their information will not known by others so that will talk freely and provide more imformation. The principle also point our the confidentiality is not absolute when the client present a danger to self or others . I may discuss this concerns with my client and let her to decide whether to continue the services under such situation. A teen may face a dilemma, whether to tell others or not. When we feel the involvement of a parent or friends could be helpful, but she may not want any outside involvement . It is reasonable that under the pressure of social norms, this young girl will like to keep a secret. Senior social work suggest that the best way is explore her reluctance of telling others, after that, is up to her decision. And then, consent is an important ethical issue as well. We suggest voluntary involvement with the case to the client. For instance, Canadas common law states that people can consent if they are capable of understanding their problem, the proposed treatment, and the likely consequences of having or refusing treatment . In another word, it is her choice to consent or refuse. Facing any kind of deviant behaviour, a social worker must be non-judgmental. All of us were have been taught that we should not make judgments in class. As a human being, it is hard of putting none emotion on others. Geldard holds the view, that being non-judgmental and treating client with unconditional positive regard are goals which we should try our best to achieve. Though this is difficult, we need to explore in supervision any personal issues which may be interfering with their ability to be more accepting . I should strive to do this in order to build up a trustful relationship with the client. Conclusion Teenage pregnancy is a multifaceted issue that involve so many factors. As a social worker, understanding these teenagers as they try hard on making their decisions regarding sexuality and parenthood involves , keep in touch with their perceptions of themselves and their assessments of the opportunities that waiting them . After writing this paper, I recognize I had considered too much about humanitarianism and fostering a healthy baby, but neglect the pregnant teenager-my client. A social workers most concern is how to help the client to make maximum benefit in her situation but not to judge if they are right or wrong. I have to learn and practice more on believing in the clients ability to solve the problem and respect her choice. I will not pass judgment on the client who are confronting difficult decisions, they are doing the best they can.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

2004 Influenza Vaccine Shortage Essay -- essays research papers

2004 Influenza Vaccine Shortage Internal PR Action Plan MKT 438 November, 22, 2004 Abstract This year’s flu season is supposed to bring a strain of the virus with a severity unlike any other seen in previous years. This supposed new strain is a mutated, currently untreatable strain that is expected to be responsible for several deaths. The media has caused such a wide spread panic over the Influenza bug this year and then claimed that 48 million vaccines mysteriously became contaminated rendering the public virtually helpless against the attack of this new strain of flu. This paper will discuss the strategies used by public relations representatives to calm the public as well as educate them by giving alternative ways to reduce the spread of catching this year’s most infamous bug.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Internal PR Action Plan Each year, the public is forewarned of the upcoming, potentially lethal, flu season. Along with the public warnings come the recommendations from the public health department identifying which groups of people including all small children, the elderly, and those with possibly weakened immune systems that are most at risk. There has been a growing concern that there would come a time that the supply of vaccine could not meet the demands of the population. However, no one thought that this shortage would come so suddenly, without fair warning, and would affect such high numbers of people. In fact, the current story is that approximately half of the total supply of the vaccine, roughly 48 million doses, were contaminated and therefore rendered useless. To compound the problem, this also means that 48 million people are being forced to play Russian Roulette with an invisible enemy. Many cases of the flu can be avoided through the quick release of information concerning the impending dile mma that we face as a nation, educating the public, and by communicating an effective internal public relations action plan.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Public Dilemma  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   America used to have five manufacturers that developed the flu vaccines that were used to vaccinate the entire nation. However, over the past few years, those five suppliers have diminished to only two suppliers, Chiron Corporation and Aventis Pasteur. Lester Crawford, acting commissioner for the Food a... ...g a resource that is unavailable to all. In other words, by informing the public that we need flu vaccines and then taking the option to get a vaccine away, they are making us feel that our government is not in control. 2. The government needs to try every option available if it protects their people, such as having Aventis produce the 2-3 million vaccines per week and then agreeing to purchase the excess to use toward next years flu epidemic. That way the drug manufacturer stays happy and so does the public. 3. Provide the public with a weekly update on preventative measures and alternatives to follow that will hel[p reduce their susceptibility to the virus such as â€Å"wash you hands,† â€Å"cover you mouth when you cough, â€Å" â€Å"cover your nose when you sneeze†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ etc. References   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2004 Influenza Vaccine Shortage Essay -- essays research papers 2004 Influenza Vaccine Shortage Internal PR Action Plan MKT 438 November, 22, 2004 Abstract This year’s flu season is supposed to bring a strain of the virus with a severity unlike any other seen in previous years. This supposed new strain is a mutated, currently untreatable strain that is expected to be responsible for several deaths. The media has caused such a wide spread panic over the Influenza bug this year and then claimed that 48 million vaccines mysteriously became contaminated rendering the public virtually helpless against the attack of this new strain of flu. This paper will discuss the strategies used by public relations representatives to calm the public as well as educate them by giving alternative ways to reduce the spread of catching this year’s most infamous bug.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Internal PR Action Plan Each year, the public is forewarned of the upcoming, potentially lethal, flu season. Along with the public warnings come the recommendations from the public health department identifying which groups of people including all small children, the elderly, and those with possibly weakened immune systems that are most at risk. There has been a growing concern that there would come a time that the supply of vaccine could not meet the demands of the population. However, no one thought that this shortage would come so suddenly, without fair warning, and would affect such high numbers of people. In fact, the current story is that approximately half of the total supply of the vaccine, roughly 48 million doses, were contaminated and therefore rendered useless. To compound the problem, this also means that 48 million people are being forced to play Russian Roulette with an invisible enemy. Many cases of the flu can be avoided through the quick release of information concerning the impending dile mma that we face as a nation, educating the public, and by communicating an effective internal public relations action plan.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Public Dilemma  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   America used to have five manufacturers that developed the flu vaccines that were used to vaccinate the entire nation. However, over the past few years, those five suppliers have diminished to only two suppliers, Chiron Corporation and Aventis Pasteur. Lester Crawford, acting commissioner for the Food a... ...g a resource that is unavailable to all. In other words, by informing the public that we need flu vaccines and then taking the option to get a vaccine away, they are making us feel that our government is not in control. 2. The government needs to try every option available if it protects their people, such as having Aventis produce the 2-3 million vaccines per week and then agreeing to purchase the excess to use toward next years flu epidemic. That way the drug manufacturer stays happy and so does the public. 3. Provide the public with a weekly update on preventative measures and alternatives to follow that will hel[p reduce their susceptibility to the virus such as â€Å"wash you hands,† â€Å"cover you mouth when you cough, â€Å" â€Å"cover your nose when you sneeze†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ etc. References   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Boys View of Playland :: Amusement Parks Essays

A Boy's View of Playland Most everyone enjoys an amusement park. Whether we delight in being jolted and swung by some wild ride, or enjoy the quieter pleasure of munching a candy apple while the younger ones squeal their way round and round, we feel a natural attraction for such a place. But none that I have seen as an adult, from Disneyland to Six Flags, measures up to my boyhood memories of Whitney's Playland at the Beach in San Francisco. Playland was wonderful because of the rides, the exhibits, and most of all, the people. Obviously, exciting rides are a boy's first love in an amusement park, and Playland offered almost more stimulation than I could stand. The Fun House featured a giant rolling barrel to run and tumble through, a huge flat wheel that flung riders into the wall, and a hardwood slide about four stories high. Near the Fun House was the Diving Bell, a converted Navy rescue cylinder that descended thirty feet into a shark-filled tank of seawater and exploded back up again, creating a miniature typhoon every five minutes or so. But nothing matched the Ride in the Clouds, a scarlet roller coaster whose roar and clatter were audible a block away, even over the pounding of the surf. Walter Sparks and I had to work up our courage a long time before we dared ride that one. Finally, though, we found ourselves in the second pair of seats from the front, rumbling up past the sign that said "RIDE AT YOUR OWN RISK," and watching the panorama of sky and sea. Then the coaster tipped over into a heart-stopping dive, plunging down, down, until we had knifed underground into a roaring tunnel that blasted us skyward again. The next peak offered almost as good a view as the first, if only our eyes had been open. When the ride was over we stepped shakily out, grateful to be alive and ready to brag in school on Monday. Quieter, but no less interesting, were Playland's exhibits. A favorite was the Crime Does Not Pay building, which contained grisly artifacts from man's brutal past. I would linger in the gloomy halls of

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Unseen Effects of Title Nine :: Sports Female Social Norms Essays

Unseen Effects of Title Nine Using the four topics, history, race and class, gender, and sexual orientation in sport, assume you are a screen writer in the year 2010. You have been commissioned to write a movie script about women's sports and current society. What is the theme? Who are the protagonists? What are the issues and how does the movie end? When Annie came in with an idea to do a sports movie, the first thing I did was laugh in her face. She quickly cut me off. "Harry. Harry what do you know about Title Nine?" "What is that, some new soy product?" "Title Nine, enacted in 1972, represents a large change in attitudes toward women and their aspirations. Since sports affect boys and girls as they grow up, the way we treat women's sports may prove as important to changing social attitudes as anything else we do. If girls are socialized the way boys are in taking part in sports, and if boys and girls grow up with the idea that girls are strong and capable, it will change the way girls and women are viewed by themselves and by civilization." "Oh it's a movie about the fate of civilization! Are there any explosions? Aliens?" "Title Nine. It's this law that says that boys and girls are entitled to the same resources when it comes to sports. Like, at a public school they can't give nice basketballs to the boys and crappy sacks to the girls. And they can't hire this all-star retired big shot for the boy's swim team and get some lifeguard to coach the girls. Everything has to be equal opportunity across the board." "Well that's something I'm happy to see at PTO meetings, but I don't give a damn about seeing it on the big screen. Annie, no one wants to shell out eight bucks to read the Constitution." "Ok look. This girl, Jane, grows up in this wealthy family, goes to a prestigious prep school, plays lacrosse, the works. Her aunt from the Bronx comes to visit her one weekend, and her aunt and her mother get into a huge fight because the Bronx cousin accuses he mother of spoiling Jane. She says Jane will never have to fight for anything, everything's always handed to her. She doesn't earn any of the stuff and privileges she has, she just gets it. Naturally Jane gets all huffy about this and it affects he deeply.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Chapter notes

A person is in a poor position to say there was an invasion of privacy when personal information is oluntarily placed in public view. 1. In privacy discussions, a frequent question is whether a reasonable person would expect information to be confidential, expectation of privacy. † stated as â€Å"a reasonable 2. For more than 20 years, â€Å"data mining† has been growing and media/Kroger cards have only increased this. a. The goal of a marketing strategist is to place an effective social message in front of the most likely group of â€Å"customers† at possible expense. b.Social media is essential to this end. the least C. Pushback stemming from privacy concerns comes in the form of people not nowing they have given consent or objecting when they discover that information about them they thought was private is, in fact, public. In other words, under the circumstances, they were under the impression they had a reasonable expectation of privacy. EXAMPLE: Suppose Bo b has hemorrhoids, a severe case † and frequently Googles â€Å"hemorrhoid relief† and other, similar terms. Bob may be surprised when he gets an e-mail with a coupon for Preparation H.He might be aghast to discover he has actually put what he has put what he considered to be personal, medical information n the Internet for a marketing company to harvest. And it could go on from there. Suppose Bob applies for a Job as an airline pilot and a background check reveals his medical condition. It's not debilitating, but another applicant who doesn't have hemorrhoids gets the Job. Bob would never know he was discriminated against searches he had initiated. Worse, suppose Bob does not have hemorrhoids, but is a medical student writing a paper?Suppose he's shopping for health insurance and is denied coverage or pays an excessive premium due to a medical condition he doesn't even have? SALIENT POINT: When thinking about privacy, it's also important to consider whether an alleged intrusion was by government or by private interests. Remember that the Constitution's wording is about what government will do and won't do. D. The sequence of cases: Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) Contraception was illegal in Connecticut. Roe v. Wade (1973) Performing an abortion was illegal in Lawrence v. Texas (2003) Homosexual acts were illegal in Texas. 1 .Progressively, the Supreme Court expanded the â€Å"right to be left alone† absent a state interest as first envisioned by Warren and 2. Needless to say, these cases represent a sea change in Brandeis in 1890. American social and legal history. For most of America's history, making people behave â€Å"properly' was deemed a valid role of government. Over the past few decades, we have come to the point that unless government cant state a strong public interest to be achieved, it has to leave us alone. EXAMPLE: In the past few years, the standard response to same-sex marriage legalization has become, â€Å"It doesn't a ffect me. The new public mindset is, â€Å"Who am I to Judge or tell people what is and what isn't an appropriate relationship? † In the ast, society had no problem with this. Too, consider whether the logical extension is whether polygamy, domestic violence or similar behaviors can/should be legalized on the same basis, TEXT NOTE: Only people have a right to privacy. Organizations – businesses, universities, nonprofits – do not. Only people. TEXT NOTE: As we discuss the four area of privacy tort law, note that each has different elements of proof and defenses. Avoid confusing them. II. The four areas of privacy law/torts A.Appropriation of name or likeness for trade purposes AKA Commercial appropriation of a plaintiffs name or likeness. TEXT NOTE: There are two classes of plaintiffs in this tort – the nonfamous and the famous. Distinguishing them is critical to the analysis. For everyday people, damages are based on insult, emotional hurt. For celebritie s, damages are based on the Implied- by circumstances People who voluntarily place information before the public can't protest 1 . Appropriate means take without permission. a. As we have often seen, early on in legal circles, this was considered a problem. b.Starting in Georgia in 1905, an person was awarded not $25,000 when his image was used in a newspaper ad. The d was not based on the person's fame and did not portray him in a negative way, but he was insulted, hurt emotionally, would not have consented. c. Famous people, celebrities, are different in that their images, their fame has commercial value. Putting my name on the packaging for a football wouldn't help sell it. Putting Eli Mannings name instead would be designed to improve sales. The property interest celebrities have in their name in likeness is called right of (1) Because a right of publicity is â€Å"property' it can publicity. e sold or inherited Just like a ring or a car or a iece of furniture. This is why Elvi s and Michael Jackson have made millions more annually since they died than when alive. (2) But for private plaintiffs complaining of commercial appropriation, because damages are based purely on emotion or stress or preference, these interests are not inheritable. If for some reason a picture of your mom † assuming she is not a celebrity † appears on a package of flour after damages. 2. Name or likeness her death, there is no basis to recover a. More often than not, this will be a Jury question (question of fact).How clear was it that the defendant ntended you to be identifiable? EXAMPLE: Suppose a movie is made and there's a real Jerk character named â€Å"Dean Mitchell. † I feel horrified and demeaned, but if the use of the name is purely incidental then too bad for me. No damages. Incidental use. EXAMPLE: Without your knowledge or permission, your picture is taken at an 0. 0. T. stop. Next thing you know, this photo has been enlarged 12 feet tall and is used i n vinyl applied to all 0. 0. T. vehicles. Strangers come up to you on campus and say, â€Å"Hey, Bus Girl† and professors call on you in class as â€Å"bus girl. You have a case for he emotional stress this causes, if any. On the other hand, if the picture is in profile or something and you recognize your image but others do not, then it's not likely you have a basis for a lawsuit. b. In the context of celebrities due to their right of publicity, the analysis is easier. It's usually clear celebritys image for market that a defendant has used the advantage. in Taylor and I claim that speedy service is the basis for using â€Å"Swift. † c. Name or likeness doesn't have to be birth certificate name or front-on photograph. Chapter Notes If 10% of the population of the confederate state would take an oath, they could be readmitted back into the union. Lincoln was radical. Andrew Johnson and Reconstruction plans: wanted to let the southern states rebuild themselves, if they would take an oath of allegiance would be readmitted (not high ranked), restitution of property?did not include slaves. Hand pick governors and create their own governments. They had to revoke the secession ordinance, abolish slavery, and repay some of the war debts.However, the Radical Republicans were against this. South was democratic. Black Codes: any kind of codes used to discriminate against blacks. Beginning of segregation, doesn't specify race or whatever?grandfather clause. Freedman's Bureau: 50 acres and a mule. Wade-Davis Bill: radicals view. Republicans being very angry at Johnny's Ideas. Resistance of wage labor: against the blacks. The point when the blacks were trying to get Jobs, paid less or discriminated or didn't have wage. Wen t around to a lot of dif. Places, subsistence farmers. Thirteenth Amendment Fourteenth Amendment Blacks were citizensFifteenth Amendment gave black citizens the right to vote. = treatment under the law. Radical Republicans Reconstruction was about rebuilding society?totalitarian society. 5 dif. Military districts. SC the last state to be released from this. Radical Reconstruction Johnny's Impeachment not really removed from office. Impeached because he Election of 1868: Grant. Grant was a war hero Run for office and most likely win. Women's suffrage : homestead act. Women that moved out west were more Independent with the farms, were widows b/c their husbands died. More Independent women In the west.Carpetbaggers and scalawags: Carpetbaggers: entrees from the north. SC: southerners who believe in northern stuff. A lot of free open land, start businesses Go down south and get cheap land, some are sympathizers (n) SC: okay with new people moving down, help rebuild economy Black offic eholders: They can win because of gerrymandering (taking a district and shaping it oddly) Black majorities, had the eggbeater clause, make up rules and try to dissuade them from running. Rare because the whites were against it. Sharecropping: south has a lot of land, what happens is the freedman's bureau gives 50 acres of land.Split up land and give It to the people. Blacks turned to land for support: live off of It, subsistence farming, part of land went back to the people that lived there. Nicer way for the masters to get their stuff back. Rise of the UK Klux Klan Nathan Bedford Forest. Starts the ASK. A confederate general who starts it out of (Knights of White Camilla) hate. Anybody that was going to run, they intimidate them. Tried to scare them away, threats, one of the first terrorist groups. Redeemers ex-confederates that wanted to restore the south. Self-government, social standard.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Character Analysis on Boxer (Animal Farm) Essay

Horses are well known for their strength and Boxer is no different and he lives up to the expectation of being a strong male horse. Boxer is an almost blind follower to the farm and whoever is in charge of it. His almost unreal strength is a great asset to the rebellion and to the farm as he is capable of working harder than any animal. As soon as he learns about Animalism, Boxer makes himself available to do anything for the rebellion. After the rebellion at the Battle of the Cowshed he proves once again how irreplaceable he is to the farm, as he proves he is a valuable soldier but he shows us that he is a kind and gentle soul as he feels pain when he thinks he has killed the young farm boy. He wakes up early everyday so that he can get more work done around the farm as he gives himself the job of making the farm a better place for his fellow animals. He adopts the maxim â€Å"I will work harder†. This leads him to do great things such as building the windmill twice almost on his own. Unfortunately, Boxer does have the intelligence that we so wish would match his strength (this is clear when he is unable to learn the alphabet past the letter â€Å"D†). He is actually very naà ¯ve and innocent and this leads him to be easily confused and taken advantage of by the pigs and Napoleon. After being taken advantage of many a time, Boxer eventually adopts a second maxim, except this maxim eventually leads to his downfall: â€Å"Napoleon is always right†. Boxer shows devotion like no other to the progression of the farm and this is evident when he collapses as he states â€Å"It is my lung †¦. It does not matter. I think you will be able to finish the windmill without me.† Even when boxer collapses and is close to death, he is still thinking of his work, his fellow comrades and how he can help make the farm better for when he is no longer capable to do more. Sadly for us, Boxer does not seem to grow wiser with age, and even when he is being taken away by the knacker, he needs to be told what is happening before he tries to do something about it. When he realises what’s happening he gets to his feet and tries to kick down the door of the cart but is unable. This is a sad image and a sad end to Boxer as â€Å"there used to be a time when one swift kick of Boxer’s hooves would have kicked down the cart wall with ease†. How fitting is it that such a great animal like Boxer, would be put to death in such a cowardly way and by the animal that he trusted and listened to the most, Napoleon. BOXER’S REPRESENTATION IN REAL LIFE Boxer represents the working class, a person of no great intelligence but very capable and reliable abilities in work that required labouring. He spends his time in the novel helping with the revolution, and then the pigs. Everything he does, he does to the best of his ability, he does this because he knows that his own hard work will result in a better farm for all animals. However, because Napoleon and the pigs view the other animals as workers for their benefit instead of equals, Boxer’s work is never rewarded; when he becomes injured and unable to work, Napoleon sells him to the knackers instead of letting him retire as promised.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Internet

Who am I? I am the youngest in a family of 7, as the youngest I have discovered that where my siblings fail, I am expected to succeed. For example, none of my siblings finished high school and made a lot of themselves, so they are hoping that I finish this course and do well, in a way that makes up for my other siblings failures. I have moved back and forth between WA and the NT for my whole life, I moved back to Darwin about a year ago as I found myself not getting anything from Perth. Since my move here I have settled into a productive lifestyle with my fiance and I am motivated to do well in this course and have the freedom to choose any career I want if I do well. I have had a various amount of previous educational experiences through high school, TAFE and other independent courses. After I quit half way through year 11, I enrolled in an Engineering course in TAFE in hopes of getting some valuable experience to enter a drafting career. Unfortunately I didn’t have any support so I got bored of it and I didn’t understand it very well so I didn’t complete the course. After I did that, I was doing some work, but I really felt like learning instead of working, so I attempted to learn the material from the TAFE course at home on my own, but I really need someone to explain to me how to understand all the facts, so i didn’t get very far. Since I met my partner, he encouraged me to partake in a course that will allow me to do a uni degree, so here I am, doing this TEP course. I have confidence that I will succeed in this course because I have more support this time and I am eager to prove my family wrong and do something amazing with my life. I feel most confident about the computing and the language and learning aspects of this course, as I have a very high interest in both of these areas. I have a passion for writing, and I thoroughly enjoyed it in year 11 when we were getting into the more formal styles of essay writing. I also have a very high interest in computing, I find learning new things about the software and hardware exciting and I hope this interest helps me in gaining passable marks. I definitely want to improve my essay writing, as I have only had year 11 experience in essay writing, I look forward to learning more defined writing techniques. I also would like to improve on my interpersonal skills as I am a very shy and anxious person when it comes to interacting with people I am not familiar with. This has caused me grief in the past because I have developed a very high fear of speaking in public and as I want to be an early childhood teacher in the future, this is an quality I’d like to improve upon to be successful. My goals for the future are constantly changing, but right now my main goal is to complete this course with high distinction so I can go on and start a university degree in teaching. My other goal linked to this one is to become more confident in my speech as well as in my work.